Land Titles and Documentations.

Land Titles and Documentations Are:

1.Register Conveyance  (RC)

It would not be fair on ourside if we do not mention this document.This was the document that was required before the The Land Use Act.

2. Certificate of Occupancy  (Cofo).

The most important document to have, but some people prefers not to go for it due to some reason concerning The Land Use Act. This document will only last for 99years before expiration.

3. Governor Concept  (GC)

After buying Real Property with CofO Document, instead of Changing or doing another CofO, what you should do is GC.4. Right of Occupancy.This is needed if your Real Property is located in Abuja, (FTC) Nigeria.

5. Gazette.

This document records and states the areas the government has willingly given to the family and community to sell.

6. Deed of Assignment or Conveyance.

A deed of conveyance or assignment traces the history of how the property or land has reached the present owner till date. Done by Real Properties lawyer.

7. Registered Survey.

No one would be able to apply for CofO without RS or do any construction on the land.

8. Court Judgement.

Preferably Supreme Court Judgment.

9. Receipt.

From the Real Estate companies or from the Real Property Owner.

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